Saturday, November 22, 2008

Climax: Love, Pain and the Whole Damn thing!!

I understood that being in India was not going to help us in any way; I needed to get back to USA and get back at the earliest because she couldn’t come to Chennai due to some legal tangles and red tape. The distances were killing, for all the internet, web, and telephony nothing on earth could beat being next to each other. I used my contacts, my network to somehow get myself placed on a project in USA.

It was about 3 months since I had last seen her, life at the outside was going perfectly normal but the restlessness within was too much to take. People often talk about the conflicts of professional and personal lives but to me both were so intertwined and I needed one to reach out to the other. For once work was not all about money it was much more and beyond. Hanging out with friends often helped, the usual jokes, the fun and pranks but the void could never be filled.

And then one day I got the break, a project in very own Chicago through my old boss. He wanted to get onboard his trusted lieutenants. I packed my bags with an excited fervor as though I was a 7th grade boy going onboard a school tour. I landed up there and went to see her. She was just the same; I decided that this was it. She was the one for me, no more checking out or hitting upon others out there because she simply was all that I ever wanted.

More than a year has passed since I came on that trip to Chicago, in between I had to go back to Chennai due to my project getting scrapped and spend a few months in India. But our relationship has gone from strength to strength…I am a zillion times more in love with her than ever, as every day passes I realize how she has changed my life for good. I don’t know how long we can go on like this… What and where our futures are going to take us… My folks still don’t know about our relationship… I am not turning any younger by the day… …wish this moment would freeze…me…her and the solitude.

“every day I want to fly stay by my side….every day I want to dream stay by my side… …every morning I wish I could say…wish these moments would just stay…”.

She is right by my side as I sit here in San Jose this very moment (6:23 pm Saturday, November 22, 2008) and write this to the world. You may wonder why on earth this guy is putting all this on line, opening out to everybody, putting all at stake.

You may think what a loser...You may also have those long lists of questions that you are just waiting to shoot at me, given a chance. What is her name? Send me her picture? Is she part of your future? When are you going to tell your folks? What about her folks? When are you giving me an intro? …and what not..

So for once in life I will be honest...i will come out clean...i will share what I feel (a picture of hers taken last time I was in Chicago).











Why so serioussssssssssssssssssssssss

Ohwww …ohwww…ohwwww Hold it…Hold it right there!!!!
Who else were you thinking of? Aint she pretty? Just can’t take my eyes of her ;-)

Ok, I know you feel cheated, you are angry, you are abusing me of the dirtiest words…you just wish if only I was there in front, you wud ve probably killed me for this. But let’s just sit back, relax and rewind this whole thing again.

That was one helluva con job which swept you off your feet, taking you on a joy ride of emotions, love, pain and the whole damn thing!!! And just for the sake of reassurances that this was not a story that ended abruptly because I didn’t have a glorified ending and it was indeed my love for “Heineken” that I expressed all through, let’s just put back those pieces together… starting from that very first moment in the Pub:

“I mean it was not like she was one of those perfect hour glass figures…she was wrapped in a strangers arms…the tables were cleared, the waiter was picking up the tip”

“Dressed in Olive Green, to me she seemed something of a bright red tulip from Holland”Olive Green bottle, Brewed in Holland

“I am not sure if the whole world froze around at that time but she sure seemed frozen as I stood there looking at her.” – Of course cos she was in the freezer.

“We often used to hangout in the evenings, spending hours together.”We still do :-)

“She used to wear this star shaped pendant and it was strange thought that I always spotted her turning up in green.” - Now you know the Red Star and why she always dressed Green!!

“She had this bubbly sparkle about her which was not just waiting to burst out.”Obvious.

I was very sure that there was no way folks were ever going to approve of our relationship” -Hahaha…they never would.

“She knew me inside out, had seen me in good and bad times, dark and bright moods.” - Very True.

“She couldn’t come to Chennai due to some legal tangles and red tape.” - Tamil Nadu Government doesn’t permit to sell Heineken Holding NV in Chennai. Damn it!!!

Did you realise she never spoke even a word to me...not even was "i" all along expressing what i felt... it all makes sense now???

Ladies and gentleman, welcome to Parallel Universe…
…where the obvious is not a “given”!!!

And until we meet next time, good morning, good evening and good night!
…oh my….I ran out of Heineken…let me go get it.
(And they lived happily ever after ;-))
* do share comments.


harryrocks said...

Fantabulous........i think you had lots tenacity to bring out the first blog in was like a roller-coaster ride....

Keep writing

Manoj said...

too much post da!!! was totally taken in my ur 1st post....feel like kickin ur ass now but still appreciate ur storyline n the plot within....keep rocking machan!!!

J said...

haha nice one.... I like ur writing :)

the explanation towards the end was good